Specific Enthalpy: kJ/kg, J/kg, kcal/kg.Thermodynamic variables in the SI (metric) system of units can be entered and/or the calculation results can be displayed in the following units:
Thermodynamic properties of air calculator pdf#
Plot diagrams can be sent by email as high-resolution PDF files.Plot diagrams can be zoomed or displaced on a particular region of interest and saved as individual projects por each type of diagram and units. Steam points calculated can be stored in a database for later retrieval.Generates 4 Diagram Plot types with isolines calculated all over the IAPWS-IF97 range in both the SI (metric) and I-P (English) system of units:.Results can be sent by email in an HTML file along with a comma-separated value (CSV) file.For each combination of input thermodynamic properties, it calculates and provides the user with information about the appropriate input values in the valid range of computations.Supports input parameters and calculation results in both the SI (metric) and the I-P (English) system of units.Specific Internal Energy / Specific Volume.Allows for 14 different combinations of thermodynamic properties to be entered as input parameters:.Saturation Properties: Input and Output values are on the range of the two-phase region (region 4) of the IAPWS-IF97 Formulation, including saturation values of liquid and vapor.General Properties: Input and Output values are all over the range of the IAPWS-IF97 Formulation.Properties of dry air are from the NIST Reference equation of Lemmon et al. Properties of steam, water and ice from the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97, the Scientific Formulation IAPWS-95, IAPWS Formulation 2008 and IAPWS Formulation 2006.Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.Performs all the calculations implementing the latest mathematical formulations from the IAPWS (International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam) Industrial formulation (Revision 2007):.Diagram Plots can be saved a projects and send as high-resolution pdf files. Results can be sent by email along with a comma-separated value (CSV) file.It manages and converts results and inputs between the SI (metric) and I-P (English) System of Units.Validates each calculation informing the user of the range of values to be entered in case of an invalid input.It allows for 14 combinations of thermodynamic properties to be entered.Calculations are all over the range of the IAPWS-IF97, or just the two-phase region including liquid and vapor saturation states.Generates 4 Diagram Plot types with isolines calculated all over the IAPWS-IF97 range.Calculates 20 thermodynamic and transport properties of steam and 10 partial derivatives.Implements the mathematical formulation from the IAPWS-IF97 to calculate the properties of steam.